Manhunter Wiki

The Manhunter Assignment Device or MAD is a small portable apparatus like a laptop computer. It is assigned to the Manhunters by the Orb Alliance for their investigations, as it links to the Alliance central computer at the Empire State Building by radio transmission.

It has two main functions:


Info screen of an individual.

  • INFO: provides access to limited information on all humans in the city. Typing a name, the Human Database Service will provide information such as portrait, address and ID.
    • The Autoscan feature scans automatically any evidence, such as notes and documents, discovered by the Manhunter, and stored in the MAD's memory. These are accessed when typing NOTES instead of a name. MAD can read datacards inserted to it, and display information read from them.

Layout of the 71st floor of the Empire State Building.

  • TRACKER: Displays human suspects's movement through the Human Tracking Records, shortly before the time of an alleged criminal activity until the end of the day. They move on a city map or a wireframe layout of a specific location. Although the records aren't able to identify the individual humans, the suspects, and other individuals in close proximity, can be tagged, and the playback will follow the target's movement; the target is a T inside a rotating yellow square. Slaves can not be taggede.

A recently installed feature is the Singal Tracking Mode. It involves the emergency tagging of signals entering and leaving the Alliance Computer. With the MAD, a Manhunter can manually tag a played-back signal to be fed to the experimental Signal Analyzer in the Buffer. The MAD can then track the signal's source. After illegally tampering with the Computer The Manhunter had to do this procedure; it then tracked his own movements to the Empire State Building.

Manhunters are allowed by the Orbs to visit locations visited by the targets, and addresses uncovered during investigation.