The Temple of the Dragon Ninja is a building in the Chinatown of San Francisco. It is the headquarters of the Dragon Clan.
On the right of the Temple is a smoke shop of Ming's father.
On Day 2, one Dragon after killing a Ratman at Pier 5, returned to the Temple, entered the NE seat and disappeared.
On the floor level Ninjas appear attacking anyone entering, after passing the trial, a buddha statue reveals a stairway. On each side of the corridor are some busts with a jewel and the name of a concept, which are probably used for communication:
- With the cloth obtained by Peter Walker, the bust of "Heaven" shows a vision saying "Four Pinches" (showing what smoke to use in the nearby smoke shop)
- According to the Tad Timov's note, "The Castle is the Gateway to Hell".
On the top of the stairway is a trial chamber were Dragons obtain their tattoo; the Manhunter after passing a trial, refused to brand himself and stole a scroll which said that Zac West is the Dragons's only chance.